Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Leftovers and Finding Joyful Moments

Hey friends!

I've been taking the time to sit in meditation for 15 minutes in the morning. I guess it's more kind of a lying meditation because I'm on the couch, but I'm making the effort to silence my mind and connect to my breath.

I have a crystal sitting in the widow and one of my daily joys is getting to see the moment when the sun shines through it and throws rainbows all over the walls and ceiling.

 I'm really grateful for green juice in the morning and the energy it gives me. I'm still feeling the coffee pull but as it's been leaving me anxious I'm feeling less inclined to indulge. I like the taste but dealing with an anxious mind for hours or the jitters is no fun.

 I didn't have a lot of options in the fridge for breakfast so opted for leftover soup. It actually felt really nourishing to have soup in the morning. Often I want something savoury but not too heavy and this was perfect.

This week I'm trying to hydrate more too by always having a mason jar of water in my sight.

I'm starting to plan food for the cleanse so hopefully the next few weeks of MoFo will be less winging it and more of a plan.

Lunch was more leftovers heated up with some fried mushrooms and smokey tempeh. My green drink was a mix of spirulina and greens powder. When I'm in a rush that is my go-to green drink!

I'm feeling kind of tired but also excited for this new adventure.

Hope your day is full of beauty and sychronicity,

Elyse xo


  1. Soup breakfast...think I need to try that!

  2. The rainbows from the crystal are so pretty, and your lunch looks really good!
